Teary-eyed drama before boarding the plane.
Actions scenes under the plane.
Lost luggages in the airport.
Getting lost in K.L. (or at least, a shopping mall).
Having an adventure of our own, exploring the city by ourselves.
Delayed flights.

Of course I did crack little jokes along the way. Honestly, I'm not the kind who cracks great jokes that can easily cause anyone to fall flat on the floor, holding his stomach and laugh. At least, that's what the impression Edward gives me whenever I crack a joke and he just gives me that you're-not-funny stare. Somehow, Grace seems to think otherwise. My hands were so itchy and I couldn't help myself but to toch everything I see. I dug the backseat pockets and found a bunch of things like the vomit bag, advertisements and more advertisements. Both of us were just being crazy on the flight and we kept changing places, taking all the vomit bags with us. I got 6 in my bag by the time we actually settled down. Not counting the one we found with chewing gum stuck in it. Ewe. I know that thing is kind of disgusting but we were doing it out of our unsatisfaction towards the flight attendants. Just thought it should compensate with their bad service. Those vomit bags look like bags from Dunkin' Doughnuts and as I counted them, I held it up and said, "Let's go get doughnuts later!" which was enough to send Grace into another fit of hers!

Matt : Why not I fake barfing and you start to panick and you call for help.
Grace : That's a good idea! *laughs*
Matt : Then when she actually comes, you tell her to help me.
Grace : And when she finds out you're faking, she'll be so cross!
That wasn't the best idea. So she had another one. We were both having this let's-make-a-scene idea the whole time were 50000 feet (I think. Isn't that what they always say?) above the ground.
Grace : You know, we should've gotten a fake mobile and use it on air.
Matt : Yea yea! Then I'll pretend like I was having a conversation.
Grace : That lady who made the announcement will notice and she'll ask you to turn it off.
Matt : Then I'll ignore her and continue doing it.
Grace : Then I'll say that I'm sorry but you're mentally illand that's just your toy.
Matt : That's a seemingly good idea! *laughs*
Grace : *laughs*
Matt : You know, we could actually be fined for indecent exposure.
Grace : ....
I did switch off my mobile dutifully while we were on air. I waited till the last minute to only switch it off. Iwas still taking pictures. You know, the picture-taking-freak side of me. Another thing that one of the filght attendants (they were all females) did gave me a bad impression towards them. They were pushing the food cart along the aisle and Grace and I thought they were for free. Cause the time when we went to Perth, Australia, Malaysia Airlines and Singapore Airlines gave us free food (or we paid for the food together along when we pruchased the flicght tickets). Thankfully, the person siiting behind us ordered first before we did. "That would be RM23, sir," said the flight attendant. Both of us got our eyes widened and immediately kicked out the idea of ordering anything. Grace dug the backseat pocket and found the menu. The prices were absolutely unreasonable! RM7 for an instant cup of noodles!! We're Penangites, and Penangites don't pay THAT much for an instant cup of noodle. Anyway, that wasn't what the flight attendat did.
When the cart came to our seat, we just said no. At that exact moment, the pilot turned on the safety belt sign and the plane suddenly starts shivering. The flight attendant was about to walk away from our seat and I asked her, "Are we going to die?". Of course, I was just fooling around. I expected a polite (I don't mind a little sarcasm with it) reply but instead, what a little kid gets for asking an age old queston was a cold stare and ignorance. She must think that I'm nuts but isn't it in her requirements to answer all questions? "Let's go file a report on AirAsia!" Grace said almost immediately after the flight attendant walked away. We both sat back and laughed again.
Other than that, we couldn't do anything else but to sit and laugh about the ideas. I could tell that Grace was kinda tensed about her interview the next day. Lucky for her, I was there to ease here of her tension and make her laugh. Anyway, we were flying during the night. There wasn't anything to see outside the window and plus, my mobile was switched off. There wasn't alot of pictures to take.
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