Happy School Nights.
Grace (the godsister Grace whom I also address as jie - chinese for sister) is back from KL in Penang for this whole week. According to her, this is a leisure trip. A whole week of holiday as she changed job which allowed her a week apart from the new job. Playing as host like I always do, I had to take her around despite that fact that she spent her whole life in Penang. My benefit anyway.
So we (the two Graces and I) spent our Tuesday night at Gurney. The only reason we went to gurney
was to collect my long awaited Desperate Housewives Season 1 DVD. We got what we wanted, (also) despite this month's tight family budget. The peddlar threatened to give it away if I wasn't going to collect it soon. LOL. We got my DVD and had some dinner over at Fish & Co. Expenses under big Grace, of course. Surprisingly cheap and the service to me was pretty good. The food was also good and filling although it may just be made up of the occasional dory fish in flour and some chips served on a pan with side sauces like sambal, mayonnaise and garlic.
Spent the rest of the night furniture-window-shopping. LOL. Yeah, looking at furnitures and adoring those expensives ones that we normal people will never afford in a lifetime's savings. Went to Rozzini to only find a surprising fact that it was the only outlet in the whole of Peninsular Malaysia and it was situated at Gurney. It was big Grace that needed furniture as she was moving into a new bought home in K.L. We were merely chapperoning. LOL. Chapperonning. Big Grace shot probably a thousand questions to the sales lady. I couldn't be less bothered but I got around a few friendly chats with the manager who's name was Celina to only have her commented me of being a "matured teenager" for a 16 year old.
Celina : Which school do you attend then??Matt : Penang Free School.Celina : Oh, PFS. Two of my sons were there. They've left school though.
Matt : Oh, I see.
Celina : But I have two nephews there. One who is also in form four. Familiar with the name, Mou Jian (I think that's how you spell the name)?
Matt : Uhh, yeah, I think so. Short and stubby and very blur.
Celina : Yes. That one.Matt : It's such a small world after all.
I would've asked for discounts on the latest prmotions. LOL. But I wasn't the one buying. She seemed to know alot about
furnitures though and made good recomendations. I entertained my senses through touching and feeling the furnitures and sitting on the couches. One caught Grace and my attention though. Pretty nice and we thought it'll fit into our home perfectly. Celina was only kind enough to let us take shots of her furnitures although it was against company policies. I guess she relented after finding out that I was actually harmless and not a spy from other furniture companies, trying to copyright their productions.
We said our goodbyes and parted with the salesperson. We made the last customers for the day. The staff of Rozzini started switching off the lights after we came out. We headed for home and called it a day. Still, a pain in the butt to find out that I still had unfinished pieces of Maths Homework which only got me imagining what Mr. Khor would come up with with another of his bitch-fit-lectures tomorrow!! Was too tired to work it out and the image of Mr. Khor was nauseating enough to get me snoring through the night, soundly.
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