No great revelation, I know, but before this morning, I'd never really thought of it in these terms. Photography is about light, and outdoor photography brings you in touch with nature. Light in nature: astronomy." - Pete Orelup
Well, I don't really know this guy except that he's a really really good photographer!! Maybe it's because of his nature shots that I can relate to. He is so amazing!! I met him in Flickr and I think he doesn't even know me although I added him as a friend. He's shots are just amazing!! Visit his Flikcr page here. I hoep he doesn't mind me "promoting" him here. It's just that I find his concept of photographers amazingly true!! Oh, how I wish I could actaully meet him one day. Below is a sample of his unbelievable photography skills entitled "Drop". One of the inspirational shots from him!!

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