Sunday, March 11, 2007

My iPod Shuffle was RM35!

I didn't mention this before but I hitched a ride with 5xmom from Penang to KL for the highly anticipated Bloggers Together Gather Party held at Federal Hotel. Things were kinda last minute (thank God 5xmom was there to get a seat for me at the last couple of days) and I was busy being anxious, nervous and was busy packing for the trip that I didn't have the time to post anything. The party was one of the most amazing parties I've ever been, speaking from an inexperienced, unpopular kid at school and anywhere else for that matter. It was so much fun to meet some of the many famous bloggers out there in the blogosphere in real life. Just to name a few that I was really looking forward to meet and whom I managed to meet were kidchan, shaolintiger, wingz, lin peh, boss stewie (met him during PBM actually but didn't have the chance to talk) and oh so many more that I can't remember! A few unexpected people for me was yvonnefoong, Charles (from What Women Want), ah pek, cocka and also albert, who left because he didn't even registered for the party and also Jeff Ooi (he's on Wikipedia?!).

It was really exciting for me to meet these people in real life. See the person behind the wonderful blogs. Despite being busy greeting all her fans and being a fan herself, 5xmom was kind enough to introduce me to certain bloggers that I didn't know or didn't recognize. The sponsors for the night were great nonetheless. Kudos to the organizing team for getting such wonderful sponsors and for putting up such a great event (there was even a a banner made for the party itself!). I mean, at one point, they were giving out RM30 Digi reload coupons for the first 10 Digi users to be up on stage! They even had 3 days 2 nights hotel stay, free movie ticket passes, goody bags with items from sponsors and the best of all, an iPod shuffle which was won by me through texting something my details to TNB real quickly! Now, if that's not cool, I don't know what is! Probably because I was one of the youngest bloggers there that speed texting came as a skill. But I did won and became the subject of envy for a few minutes and that was enough to get the night going for me. Having a short conversation with kidchan was an added bonus I was really looking forward to!

The new baby, iPod Shuffle! Damn Apple for coming up with such sleek designs!

At the end of the day, I had taiyi picked me up after the event and will be staying at her house till Wednesday before I go back for Penang. In other words, I had a great time at the party (couldn't thank 5xmom enough!) and I'll be spending half of my one week mid-term holidays at KL. Oh, and I have an iPod shuffle to show off keep me occupied.

P.S: Sorry for the lack of links as I'm doing this from Grace's laptop where none of my subscriptions or bookmarks are. Will have to wait to get back to my own computer for that.


dayalan86 said...

Hey there,
Nice meeting you there, just realised didnt manage to camwhore with you yesterday.

Congrats on the Ipod Shuffle and wish you all the best for your SPM said...

I am so happy you got such a fruitful trip!

Wingz said...

nice to meet you matthew! show us the photographs u took wei!

Anonymous said...

damn it got the ipod shuffle ...

Lin Peh said...

You lucky devil ! Lin Peh now offer u RM70 for the ipod so u make 100% return ! Sui bo ? ;-)

Matt. K. said...

Hey Dylan, nice meeting u there too! Yea, we didn't camwhore. There'll be next time!

5xmom, thanks to you lah! =D

wingz, awesome meeting you and everyone there! Currebtly, Blogger's not allowing me to upload the photos! Don't know why. I've been trying for the entire day!

Oh well, earl-ku...

Lin Peh, I think I'll skip on that offer. Hahaha. Nice meeting you though!

Yoong Family said...

nice to have met you, and that iPod looks awesome...!!!

Anonymous said...

aw heck that was me...

ckyeo said...

I wan that Ipod.... actually that wingz plomised to gif me wan!! Instead giving me Ipod he gave me Olin Inano.... =(