Mom : Matt, double happiness! Double happiness!
Matt : Happy Birthday, mom.
Mom : I've got a princess for my birthday!
Matt : What?
Mom : Seh yi delivered a healthy baby girl last night at 2a.m. without any complications and God have answred my prayers!
Matt : That's great! That's great!
Mom : Praise the Lord!

Being my usual self, I had to have the camera with me when dad drove me down the hospital to visit. On reaching the 3rd floor where seh yi and the baby was, we headed straight to the viewing area to see the baby instead of visiting seh yi first. The baby was there, sleeping soundly in the box (what do you call those transparent boxes the babies are put into? Cubicles?) among three other little babies. To be comparing with the other three babies, seh yi's child was the smallest in size. And indeed it is true, babies are the most adorable humans on earth! The baby was so cute! Simply adorable!

I realise she had beautiful red luscious lips and rosy cheeks and a reasonable amount of thick black hair that covered her whole head. The cute little button nose was there, and her ears were just beautifully red. Here eyebrows were also very prominent (according to mom) at this stage and mom said that it was naturally beautiful. Obviously, not the likes of Shiloh Nouvel or Baby Suri or Sutton Federline Spears but she IS unique in her own way. She was just simply beautiful and healthy given her size (51cm) and weight (2.13 kg). Probably it was because of seh yi's body size herself that her babies aren't exactly on the big sized zone. Well, this only adds to seh yi's addition of baby girls. You don't suppose this is coincidence that tai yi has 3 sons and seh yi has 3 daughters, do you? LOL.
But anyway, seh yi's discharging tomorrow with her baby and she's going to live woth poh poh for the time being. I'd like to give a warm welcome to our newest edition to the family and our line of cousins. The problem is, her parents haven't figured out a name for her yet. Pretty strange to me but I'm just watching by the sideline. I can't go barging in the room giving her names that I like, can I now? By the way, the pictures I have of her are the most exclusive pictures for I was the first one who photographed her (I don't think anyone else has so far). Kind of makes me feel like some big shot papparazi given the priviledge to take pictures of Baby Suri. =). I've also taken a few videos of her and am working on it to be posted on YouTube but I'm kind of hopeless when it comes to videos. So, please be patient.
We did, however managed to throw mom a little celebration the day before despite her refusal that we shouldn't even call it a celebration cause of kong kong's death this year. We couldn't resist but sang a birthday song (complete with a birthday cake, of course) at a Pizza Hut outlet. I even got her a gift today. I got this photograph produced over at a photo shop and got a plain black frame for it. I liked how the whole thing turned out and she did too. I told her it was something for her to put on her table at work to sooth her mind off things and it was from all of us. So this is the video (aww, c'mon... let me show off a little bit) of the time we sang her her Birthday song.
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