Oh crap. I'm down with my usual coughing, sneezing, sore throat, and fever. I'm very sick. I know that being sick means I have all the time in the world and it's best I update my blog as I relax and rest at home, listening to the soulful voice of Michael Buble. No. Not when I'm coughing hyterically, scraping the insides of my throat and gagging at the end of every cough! It's excruciating that while I'm typing, my throat feels like I've just swallowed charcoal and my eyes couldn't stop tear-ing. It's usually best that I sleep it off with some chinese medication. Oh it definitely kills time and all the weird dreams I have when my head feels like it could cook an egg, definitely saves me from the painful blowing of nose. I couldn't even drag myself to sit firmly in front the computer. I blame the camp.

Though there was also quite a hopeful bunch of students who were really keen on photography and gave their best at the slideshow presentation. We were supposed to come up with and present a slideshow presentation with the laptops provided and the photographs that were taken during our hike into the forest, guided by our own seniors and a forest ranger. There was a total of 10 groups and I was in group 7, with the name Exonat (Exotic Nature). Cut to the chase, my group scored the highest marks for the presentation and won the whole competition. The slideshow we came up with was boasted with class and style. Black background against white framed pictures and classy grey fonts. Nothing classier. Compared to the other groups, they stand nowhere in between. (Yeap, this is me talking with a sense of pride!) I mean, pictures used as backgrounds and messed up fonts and effects... I don't want to think about it.


I managed to meet quite a number of people there, participants and camp coordinators alike. Got a handful of contacts which are useful in the near future. Honestly, I thought my group seniors were the craziezt bunch of them all. Calvin, Christal and Nicole lead my group well, nourishing us with ideas and keeping us on the right track most of the time. They were young, energetic and so full of life. Reminds me of the time I had with my BRAT seniors. Calvin had a lot of useful tips on using the camera itself up his sleeves while Christal and Nicole were good at the Adobe Photoshop skills. Seriously, where do these guys get their tricks and skills? Amazing! Other camp coordinators were slightly older and were a little more serious. Let's call them, highly-skilled, highly-experienced, professional photographers. They had this tone of seriousness in their voices about their work when they communicate with their respective group members while Calvin and my group were basically made up of laughters and jokes.
The one thing that I couldn't help but gape in awe is the fact that the photographers were so willing to share their knowledge with us. I know how it feels to be giving away all your hard earned knowledge and tips to a group of 16 year old strangers. But they did share happily! Their skills were way beyond compare and each of them had their own style and signature shots. They have a great deal of experience in projects such as this camp and they knew how to handle the crowd well. Mr. Ho's (the representative from CLICK! magazine) talk on the first night was nonetheless informative and useful into giving us an idea of what kind of shots they were looking for.

Now, I'm back. Back to civilisation. Back to a place where the soft humming of a computer replaces the sound of crickets and the zooming of vehicles disrupts the night sleep. Back to a place where broadband connection is ever available and mobile phone coverage is nothing impossible. Glad to be back! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have to rest my head to stop my nose from flowing.
it wasn't actually Sony's fault for the participants' list...
It was actually all done by the Education Ministry. *they were 'slag', tak bagi full list awal-awal*. We only got your name list when u all arrived & registered.
Which is why you need to fill-in your full particulars instead of juz 'ticking' your names from a complete list...
Oh... I see... I see...
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