Saturday, March 14, 2009

GOssip Party in The Park

So a couple of weeks back, GOssip had it’s final phase of the entire project which was the Party In The Park and I was part of it.

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I arrived there pretty early upon orders from superiors and invited bands were having their sound-check sessions. During that time, helpers like me were given briefing on our jobs for the rest of the day.

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Most of us were assigned to the PS3 Challenge booth, which automatically allows us to play with them sexy gadgets before it’s open to public.

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All meals were provided from the organizing company (SummerSands) and we were served pizza for all meals as Dominoes Pizza were one of the sponsors. We had plenty of pizzas left at the end of the day. Wonder where they all went after the event.

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Throughout the entire day, the stage was opened for performance from various Indie Bands who have signed up prior to the event. We had loads of entertainers occupying the stage the whole time until the sun set – and that’s when the big shots come in.

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Big local acts like Altered Frequency, Pure Vibracion and such were brought in to perform throughout the night. A wonderfully diversed display of local acts, I would say. Though, I must say I was completely clueless a bit unfamiliar with the local names, thus the mellowed down anticipation from my side.

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Apart from that, I think I had a reasonably enjoyable time and definitely memorable night with the entertainment, the event itself, and especially the people I was working with. The dancing among the GOssip agents were awesome, that’s for sure.

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