school is... umm... another unavoidable or inevitable thing or responsiblity in life i guess. everybody has to go through it. i think. to me, school is just another education centre. pretty boring most of the times, but still, fun at times. how can we avoid school? i don't think there's a way to that. allthough u can skip it, but it's unavoidable. sighs. i think, for ppl like my age, school is just a place to find our own identity, personality and a place where u try to fit in. i think that's school for the most of us. i see so many people searching... searching for some recognition, something that they could call their own, sumwhere they could fit in comfortably. I came to make that theory out of my bestie's saying, which i won't quote. but to me, school is just school. we make friends, we study, have fun, join a couple of stuff and finish school with memories. altho i am trying to fit in, searching for a right personality and stuff, i'm still fine and happy the way i am. i'm not asking for more. not searchin for more. as long as i have who i think i'm happy to be with, i don't need a group to fit in. sighs.
school today was ok. woke up with the same heavy feeling churning inside my stomach. had loads of homework though. should better get going. btw, today is the last episode of season 6 of CHARMED. how sad... i just wished it wouldn't end. but i'm not gonna miss this one. hope this isn't the last of CHARMED!!
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